Implementation of Agroclusters

The Wageningen AgroCluster (WAC) company focusses on implementation of food clusters . Working globally, it is a subsidiary of Wageningen Metropolitan Food Clusters. WAC is a solution focussed organisation, working together with Wageningen University & Research and a network of international Technology Providers in Agri and Food, to realise a total integrated solution for Food Clusters.

Tailor-made design and management

It is a SPV that implements tailor made design, strategy development and cluster management and does the handholding of the customer during implementation.

Topics that are dealt with during the implementation process comprise development and handholding  

  • Management of the business network and access to the partner network of Academia, Business, technology providers etc
  • Management and dealing with complexity of vertical and horizontal integration of supply chains with the perspective of Resource Use Efficiency 
  • Development and support in individual and integrated Business cases , management model of total food cluster 
  • Tailor made Design Agro Clusters
  • Rural transformation process for supply of commodities
  • Market analysis  with demand and supply models for case specific commodities 
  • Tailor made intelligent agro logistics micro-, meso- and macro level
  • Fully integrated approach towards Resource Use efficiency 
  • Design of education and Training and extension services 

Team work website

This website is our team working-website, to be efficient in working with multi-disciplinary international teams around the world.

For more information visit our Mother company Wageningen MFC